Penggemar korea mungkin tidak dapat melihat anak-anak dari TVXQ di panggung bersama untuk sementara waktu karena ini mengumumkan bahwa mereka tidak akan tampil di Dream Concert. Namun, para penggemar di Jepang cukup beruntung untuk menyaksikan anak laki-laki bersama di a-nation '09 . Mereka tampil hits Stand by U dan Survivor - memamerkan mereka vokal dan menari.
a-nation adalah bulan lama tur konser yang diselenggarakan selama musim panas di Jepang, yang terdiri dari Avex's (TVXQ perusahaan hiburan di Jepang) seniman yang paling sukses. Konser terjadi bulan lalu, tapi WOWOW TV menyiarkan kinerja hari ini. Aku yakin semua adalah membiarkan keluar Cassiopeians napas lega setelah melihat anak-anak mereka bersama-sama di panggung sekali lagi.
Release date: 2009.09.16 Genre: Hip Hop / R&B Language: Japan
1. May J. & JONTE - miss you 2. Aoyama Thelma - come again 3. COMA-CHI - Planet Shining 4. Nishino Kana feat.WISE - Yours only, 5. JEJUNG & YUCHUN - been so long 6. misono - Simple & Lovely 7. YU-Athe Love Bug 8. Marie - come back to me 9. BENI - L.O.T. (Love or Truth) 10. Shimizu Shouta - let go download
@Moderator: Future Twits is proud to bring you the first ever online debate about national health care reform! We would like to thank our honored guests, all of whom took time out of their busy schedules to be present at this event.
@Moderator: Lets get started. Gentlemen, we have a crisis facing our nation. There are an estimated 60 million people living in the United States of America who currently have either no health insurance or inadequate health insurance. What can we as a nation do to help these people and end this crisis?
@BigBillO: I don't see that there is a “crisis” like everyone is claiming. I have health insurance, my friends have health insurance, everyone I associate with has health insurance – where is the problem here? Why can't these people just move to Canada, Mexico, or Russia or something.
@Moderator: Those countries because of . . . their health programs?
@BigBillO: No, mainly so that I'll have more spots to park my Bently when I go to the mall.
@Moderator: Bill, a bastion of compassion, as always. But, seriously, Bill # 2, you must have some ideas as well about how to fix this broken system.
@GodlessWonder: My answer is simple – just outlaw religion. Everything that is wrong with this world can be traced to religion. The energy crisis – religion. The AIDS epidemic – religion. World hunger – religion. The asteroid coming to hit our planet in 20 years – religion. My last boy friend breaking up with me – religion. It's all religion . . . religion . . . religion . . . religion . . .
@Moderator: Can someone hit his reset button?
@GodlessWonder: Religion . . . religion . . . relig--- ahhhh, lets go smoke a fat blunt!
@Moderator: That's . . . better, I guess. But, what about you, Rush? Surely, as the de facto voice of the Republican party, you must have some good ideas about how to fix health care.
@WideLoad: I think that we need to take America back to a much more simple time, away from the liberal agenda. The only people getting health care now are the terrorists and the welfare Octomoms. We need to take America back to the simpler times before greedy liberals taxed the poor, struggling drug companies to the edge of bankruptcy and forced them to stop making their delicious Vicodin, Lortab, Percocet, Demerol . . .
Um, I have to take a quick bathroom break – be right back!
@Moderator: I think we've lost Rush for the rest of the night, so we'll wrap up this debate by talking to Michael. So, what do we do to get ourselves out of this mess?
@Docudrama: Simple – we follow the example of our enlightened neighbors to the South, wonderful Cuba, and socialize the hell out of everything.
@Moderator: But, how shall I put this delicately, CUBA SUCKS ASS! Their country is horrible, and all of the Cubans want to leave and come here.
@Docudrama: Don't yell! Oh, great – you made Glenn cry now!
It has been a hard couple of weeks for Kanye West. After stealing the spotlight from Taylor Swift at an awards ceremony that few watched or cared about, West has been the subject of hatred and ridicule from no less than Mr. Obama himself. Future Twits looks into the future and reveals that things are about to get worse for West before they get better.
Future Twit for October 22, 2009
@KanyeEast It's been a hard couple of months since I stole the thunder of Taylor Swift at the MTV music awards. I have been shot, stabbed, hung by the neck until almost dead, burned, maimed, mocked, and called a jackass by the President of the United States (takes one to know one). Women scream when I approach, men vomit and ask God to die, and little kids run up and kick me in the crotch. I be pimpin'
I've changed my name to one that's much more incognito. I feel safer now.
@AngryWhiteWoman: Kanye, you are the devil incarnate! How dare you hurt that poor . . . what-her-face-country-singer-girl. You are what is wrong with America! People have died because of you!
@AnnoyingLittleGirl: My doggy had a puppy, and that puppy died. When I asked mommy what happened to the puppy, she said that it died because it was sad because Kanye West was mean to Taylor Swift and made her cry. Mr. West, why did you kill my puppy? In trainin'
@AngryWhiteMan: West, you are a sick man! If I weren't so fat from years of eating Burger King, I would kick your ass! As it stands, I'll have to try to cut you off in traffic instead.
@KanyeEast: Why do you people hate me? What did I do to you? Sure, I was a jerk at a contrived television award ceremony. But, so what? All it did was make that Swift girl famous (for a few weeks at least), made me relevant again, and made Obama shove his foot in his mouth (not the first time; not the last time).
Don't you people have better things to do with your lives than to hate celebrities you've never even met before (and aren't likely to meet either)?
@AngryWhiteWoman: You know, Mr. West, you're right. We should find better things to do with our time. Let's go attack that child molester, Michael Jackson!
@AngryWhiteMan: No wait! He's dead.
@AngryWhiteWoman: That's right. He's not a villian anymore – he's a hero! Lets go buy his albums and lots of useless memorabilia crap.
@AnnoyingLittleGirl: Mommy, mommy, can Michael Jackson touch me too?
@AngryWhiteWoman: No, but we'll go see if Keith Olbermann is home.
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Ai Takahashi played the lead role, Sapphire, in the musical "Ribbon no Kishi The Musical" which was a collaboration work of Takarazuka Revue (a famous Japanese all-female musical group) and Hello! Project. The musical was based on Tezuka Osamu's manga and also starred v-u-den, Nozomi Tsuji, Aya Matsuura, and Natsumi Abe, as well as Marcia and Kaoru Ebira of the Takarazuka Revue. Soon thereafter, Takahashi released her first and only solo single to date, "Yume Kara Samete". She and Risa Niigaki have the longest tenures of any member. She is also one of only four members to remain in the group for seven years or more (the others being Kaori Iida, Yoshizawa and Niigaki) and one of two (along with Niigaki) to remain in the group for eight years. She during the "Hello Pro Award '09 ~Elder Club Sotsugyō Kinen Special~" concert held at Yokohama Arena, Yuko Nakazawa passed on her leadership position in Hello! Project to Takahashi.
Dalam sebuah wawancara baru-baru ini, Kim Bum mengungkapkan bagaimana ia merasa ketika orang-orang menyebarkan desas-desus bahwa ia berubah setelah ia menjadi terkenal. Kim Bum telah bekerja keras untuk mendapatkan di mana dia sekarang, dia mengambil peran kecil dalam berbagai acara TV dan film, tetapi kerja kerasnya terbayar ketika ia berhasil besar setelah pertunjukan Boys Over Flowers. Setelah Boys Over Flowers, Kim Bum tidak hanya diminta untuk berada di TV dan film baru proyek, tetapi juga banyak iklan. Setelah menjadi lebih dikenal masyarakat, orang-orang yang menyebarkan desas-desus tentang Kim Bum berkata ia menjadi sombong ketika popularitas tumbuh.
Kim Bum berkata, "Aku mendengar tentang desas-desus dan meskipun saya merasa tidak adil, harus ada alasan desas-desus ini dimulai. Asap tidak dapat keluar dari rumah tanpa api dan aku akan mencoba untuk memahami mengapa orang-orang yang mengatakan hal ini tentang saya . Saya mengakui bahwa desas-desus ini tidak datang entah dari mana dan aku akan mencoba untuk merefleksikan apa yang mungkin sudah mulai desas-desus ini. Saya tidak sempurna dan jika aku pernah bertindak tidak dewasa, dingin hati, atau kasar, saya ingin mengatakan maaf. "
Meskipun dia minta maaf dia masih menyatakan bahwa ini adalah sedikit tidak beralasan untuk orang-orang untuk mengatakan bahwa tentang dia. "Saya tidak suka kenyataan bahwa orang-orang yang belum pernah bertemu saya membuat kebohongan tentang aku." Dia mengungkapkan betapa sakit dia dari desas-desus ini.
Jangan khawatir untuk Kim Bum sejak ia masih memiliki banyak fans yang mendukungnya. Tapi pasti sulit bagi selebriti untuk mendengar kebohongan tentang mereka terus-menerus. Terutama mereka yang membuat mereka terlihat buruk.
Beberapa minggu yang lalu Anda bisa mendapatkan sekilas dengan mendengarkan preview "Been So Long" featuring TVXQ / DBSK / Tohoshinki's Jaejoong dan Micky lepas dari kelompok Jepang M-Flo's 10th Anniversary Tribute Album. Sekarang versi lengkap (hampir, 3:02 - tampaknya untuk mengakhiri sedikit prematur) telah dirilis dan kedengarannya cukup mudah diingat. Aku tidak pernah mendengar asli oleh M-Flo tapi aku suka versi ini. Selain lagu yang menarik tampaknya baik Jaejoong dan Micky juga rap dalam lagu. Terima kasih kepada lisagray for the tip,
Drama SBS baru "You Are Handsome" adalah berencana mengadakan mini konser sebelum pembukaan resmi. Bertabur bintang-cast yang terdiri dari Jang Geun Suk, Park Shin Hye, Jung Yong Ha dan FT Island's Lee Hong Ki berencana untuk bersatu sebagai suatu kelompok proyek di bawah nama Angel untuk memberikan kinerja khusus pada 20 September.
Dalam drama ini, ada adegan di mana Malaikat band tampil di konser. Jadi, dengan mengundang netizens menjadi tamu di acara khusus ini, staf produksi berharap untuk menciptakan rasa realisme.
Angel's mini-konser akan diselenggarakan di AX Hall di Seoul dengan tamu istimewa FT Island, Mungkinkah Mulut dan 4Minute.
Permintaan tiket saat ini sedang diambil melalui "You Are Handsome" website dan akan diterima sampai tanggal 16. Sekitar 300 tamu akan dipilih untuk acara eksklusif ini.
Episode pertama "You Are Handsome" akan udara pada 7.
After watching The Boy in Striped Pajamas, I've decided to make my own “Oscar Worthy” movie. I only need the following five things.
Actors with a British accent
Evil Nazis doing evil things
A boy coming of age
A father betraying a son's trust
Dramatic music
If all of those things don't work, I might throw in a random hooker-with-a-heart-of-gold, some drug use, the first sexual experience of a small town girl, and random violence that is really a commentary on privileged, white society.
In spite of all the theoretical nuance that surrounds the theatre, one of its more difficult tasks is to adequately tell a story. Of course, there is a variety of ways in which a story can be told. Straightforward dialogue is one method, a performance score comprising sounds, images and actions is another. Entries from a personal diary however, tend toward being a literary device. Consequently, when used in the visual medium that is the theatre, diarised entries can fall flat. (They contain too much verbose and unnecessary detail and the telling of the tale therefore suffers). But if the diary has been adapted and dramatised in such a way so as to elicit the drama inherent within a particular landscape, the prosaic becomes dynamic. Furthermore, if the character who occupies that landscape reveals surprising and unpredictable character traits, this dynamism can infect the sensory appreciation of an audience. In effect, what we are left with is the inspired simplicity of a tale well told.
Peter Finlay descends the stairs at La Mama like Captain James Cook himself must have descended the bridge of The Endeavour, upon first sighting Van Diemen's Land. We hear in Finlay's hushed description of the landscape the personal isolation Cook himself would have felt upon his arrival. His Yorkshire accent is reminiscent of Fred Trueman's passion and Geoff Boycott's stoicism. Immediately, this makes Cook an endearing figure. A naval captain charged with a duty toward his king, but also, a working man.
Not much appears to happen upon his journey up the east coast of Australia. There is the consistent talk of fire and smoke emanating from the coastal interior, and constant referencing of wind direction and the stability or otherwise of the weather. Cook is portrayed as a literal minded person. Botany Bay receives its name because of a proliferation of the botanical, and the odd appearance of a kangaroo is to Cook, reminiscent of a mouse coloured greyhound. He cannot understand why the local inhabitants treat his offers of clothing with contempt or why they much prefer the consumption of turtle rather than European foodstuffs. But after a shaky start Finlay is soon inspired by his material. In doing so, the actor is transformed. Still the performer on stage delivering an apparently prosaic monologue, Finlay becomes the stoic yet bewildered Cook; a man vested with the authority to explore an eccentric landscape, yet one condemned to forever skirting its coastal edge.
But the success of this play is not all due to Finlay's delivery. Cook's complex response to his surroundings, a response concealed by the banality of the everyday, is also present in the adaptation and dramatisation of his diaries. The tale is a thoroughly unremarkable description of an exploration up the east coast of Australia, one delivered by a functionary of the British empire. But Cook becomes a compelling figure. We see and feel his struggle with a world that is completely and utterly alien to him. In doing so, there arises from this portrayal an admiration for the man, as well as an understanding that if not for people like Cook, Australia would be a very different place today. Above all, there lingers a sense of an impending attempt at genocide upon Aboriginal people. By choosing not to foreground this, the Makers of Cook... invoke a lateral appreciation and deeper awareness of the current plight of Aboriginal people. Just as this naval man from Yorkshire contributed to making white Australia what it is today, it becomes clear that Cook's well-meaning intervention into so-called Terra Nullius has become an attitude so ingrained in Australian life, that its paternalistic presence continues to resonate today. The more things change, the more they remain the same. It is the tragedy associated with this historical awareness that makes Cook: an exploration, such a compelling and well-told story.
Cook: an exploration
Adaptation & Performance: Peter Finlay
Direction, Dramaturgy & Design: Laurence Strangio
Stage Management: Christine Scott-Young
Light: Francesca Nunziati
Sound: Roger Alsop
Set: Ray Triggs
Costume: Angela Berrigan
Voice Over: Robin Cuming
Videography: Peter Finlay, Laurence Strangio,
Karen Kasey, Laurence & Oscar Strangio, Roger Alsop
allkpop telah mengikuti kontroversi Jaebeom sangat erat dan baru-baru ini melaporkan tentang kegiatan-kegiatan 2PM dibatalkan. Kemarin, JYPE telah menantang laporan kami dan merilis pernyataan kepada media Korea untuk mendiskreditkan keabsahan laporan kami.
Pada 7 September 2009, allkpop diterjemahkan dan melaporkan penawaran yang datang langsung dari outlet media Korea ISPLUS:
"Untuk saat ini, 2PM akan tidak punya jadwal siaran dan semua pertunjukan musik mereka telah dibatalkan. Mereka hanya akan merekam dan berlatih tari bergerak untuk album baru mereka."
Asli kutipan dari ISPLUS: "JYP 측은 7 일" 당분간 2 의 방송 스케줄 은 없고 몇몇 외부 행당분간 2PM의 방송 스케줄은 없고 몇몇 외부 행사 일정은 모두 취소한 상태"라며 "새 앨범 준비 차원에서 녹음과 안무 일정만 소화하고 있다"고 밝혔다."
Kutipan di atas dan terjemahan langsung dari ISPLUS telah ditantang oleh JYPE, di mana mereka mengklaim bahwa allkpop telah diperoleh dan diproduksi JYPE kutipan dari pernyataan permintaan maaf dan JYP's Twitter account. Newsen juga melaporkan bahwa "JYPE akan meminta laporan dari allkpop diperbaiki."
JYPE pernyataan untuk allkpop's Newsen mengenai cakupan: "JYP엔터테인먼트 정욱 대표는 "올케이팝닷컴의 기사는 JYP측 사과문과 박진영의 트위터 글을 짜깁기한 것"이라며 "정정보도를 요청할 것"이라고 전했다."
Kami memberikan perhatian pada masalah ini untuk mengklarifikasi tuduhan palsu yang diajukan terhadap allkpop dari JYPE.
Singkatnya: 1. allkpop tidak pernah dihubungi untuk menerbitkan laporan dikoreksi. 2. allkpop tidak bertanggung jawab untuk pembuatan kutipan, seperti yang datang langsung dari ISPLUS.
allkpop berkomitmen untuk menyediakan berita untuk kpop fans di seluruh dunia dan kami akan terus latihan sikap agresif kita pada pelaporan. Lebih jauh lagi, kita tidak akan diganggu oleh industri hiburan ketika mereka mundur untuk menutupi kesalahan mereka sendiri, terutama ketika kredibilitas kita diletakkan pada baris.
Kami berterima kasih kepada anda semua untuk memahami dan berharap ini membawa cahaya atas tuduhan terbaru yang dibuat terhadap allkpop. Kami juga memahami bahwa ini adalah waktu yang sangat sulit untuk 2 kipas, tapi perlu bahwa kita menjernihkan persoalan ini, karena kami telah menerima banyak pertanyaan mengenai situasi ini.
Dengan insiden MySpace baru-baru ini 2 bintang jatuh Jaebeom, yang menyebabkan keberangkatannya dari Korea, Jepang netizens mengekspresikan keterkejutan mereka berkata, "Korea itu menakutkan."
Masyarakat Jepang online "Ni Chan" (, telah membuat komentar seperti, "Apakah karena netizens lagi?", "Itu negara yang menakutkan", dan "Apakah tidak ada orang bunuh diri sebelumnya (karena netizens)? "
Namun, ini benar-benar bukanlah sesuatu yang baru untuk Jepang - Past anggota grup idola, seperti yang dari Hello! Proyek dan Johnny & Associates, telah ditendang keluar hanya karena di bawah umur merokok dan minum. Tapi mengejutkan, Jepang netizens sedang melihat insiden Jaebeom yang sedikit berbeda, bukan karena tingkat kesalahan yang berbeda, tetapi karena bagaimana masalah ini pergi ke ekstrem.
Dengan semua kegilaan ini akan tentang, apakah atau tidak 2 album mendatang akan dirilis seperti yang direncanakan tidak jelas, dan juga masa depan 2.
After several teaser photos of Lee Min Ho and Dara on set smooching were revealed the public, crushing the hearts of fangirls and fanboys alike, the long-awaited Cass 2X CF/MV Teaser has finally been released!
As we suspected, Dara's solo song, "Kiss" was featured in the CF/MV teaser as well, as the lyrics of a girl needing her man to be more aggressive, and just simply kissing her corresponded to the overall plot.
Although Lee Min Ho could have toned down on the eyeliner a bit (it seems like he was wearing more make-up than Dara herself), the hot couple riding in a red Ferrari together is definitely enough to make viewers green with envy.
But what do you think about the CF? Hot or not? In the meantime while waiting for the full music video, you can also check out the YG Ladies Forums.
Track List: 01. Quiet Storm 02. Tell Me Why (Feat. 화영) 03. Driving Me Crazy (Feat. 화영) 04. It�s Okay (Feat. 화요비) 05. This Is Love 06. 우리 그때처럼 (Feat. 화영) 07. 비행 (Feat. 정현) 08. Back Again (Feat. 화영) 09. 다줄께 (Feat. 송지은) 10. Only U (Feat. 샛별) 11. 365일 (Feat. 화요비) 12. Top Sweety 13. 독약 (Feat. Outlaw, Mellow) DOWNLOAD CR: AR
To be penultimate creator is every playwright's dream. Eventually though, the world of artifice created in the theatre must be evaluated in relation to the actual life experience of an audience. Here, Neil La Bute's script for Some Girl(s) makes questionable assumptions about the battle of the sexes. (I'm specifically referring to La Bute's script here, as opposed to directorial or actor nuance as it appears in the current production of this play at Dante's, Fitzroy).
Guy is a once virile college jock fast approaching marriage and middle-age. He refers to himself as a writer, and has had the odd piece of fiction published in minor literary magazines. But claiming to be a writer, and the act of writing, are two vastly different types of behaviour. Guy appears to spend more time teaching literature, as well as ploughing through a passing parade of females who in Neil La Bute's world, cannot help but throw themselves at this hunk's feet.
In four different U.S. cities, over a period of some months, Guy sets up liaisons with four old flames on the presumption that he would like to clear the air with these women before he himself settles down and marries his fiance nurse. And even though Sam, Tyler, Lindsay and Bobbi each harbor resentment toward Guy over being unceremoniously dumped, all four of La Bute's female characters agree to meet their sexual nemesis in the same motel room that was once the site of their past sexual peccadilloes. (The aging Lindsay is even driven to this liaison by her 'supportive' collegiate professor husband... He has apparently agreed to his wife having one last bonk with the same man who once back-doored him, while he waits outside the motel, calm in his car).
Of course, La Bute defines each female presence in the play using well crafted character techniques that have Sam, Tyler, Lindsay and Bobbi each responding to Guy and his unlikely request in different ways. Sam is curt, and would like to get straight to the point. While Bobbi is initially flattered and made curious by the requested liaison. Eventually though, all four women are united in their expression of deep feelings of hurt and bewilderment prompted by Guy's thoughtless behaviour. Guy himself, forever the slightly dumb and disarming dude, (apparently), is portrayed as a charming emotional lightweight who just cannot help himself. Until, at play's end, he is revealed as a man of much more Machiavellian motives. By this time though, and in different ways, each of the four women have been conned by Guy. (The one exception is Lindsay, who plays a deception of her own. But not before the audience is titillated by her strip to suspender belt, panties and black stockings, and she performs simulated oral sex upon the unwilling stud).
La Bute's deception is to create female characters who are outwardly strong and independent, but inwardly victimised. Recently, a female friend of mine complained about being harassed by her first boyfriend's on-line request for Facebook friendship. Like La Bute's character Sam, and married with two children, my friend found the request for friendship to be such a banal and pathetic intrusion into her present life, that rather than acknowledge the request, she simply deactivated her Facebook account. Even so, Some Girl(s) is a thought provoking night in the theatre. La Bute is skillful in the construction of male fantasy, so skilled that he quickly has you believing that his play is an accurate reflection of your life. In the hands of such a canny writer, the art of fantasy can be a powerful and persuasive device.
In Sports Chosun's "Idol Award" held on the 19th, TVXQ was the most popular and claimed the number one spot with total votes of 55,899 (36.5%), over Big Bang's 40,792 (26.6%). Super Junior came in third with 33,132 (21.6%) votes.
The voting for the award began on the 6th, and was held for 2 weeks, and the number of people voting was astonishing as the numbers kept increasing. Especially with TVXQ and Big Bang, once the voting started, the fans immediately went into an all-out war.
Source: [DNBN + TVXQの国度] Translation credits: Shared by: Do not remove/add on any credits