Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Burning Korans vs. Drawing Muhammad - The Difference?

I had to share this video on my blog. It's a good followup to my last post about the hypocrisy of the American media over the Koran burning incident (and that of our closet Muslim president). In this video, the narrator ask the question of what the fundamental difference between the "Burn a Koran Day" on September 11 and the "Draw Muhammad Day" back in May was in terms of the first amendment. Watch the video below for the full explanation.

Can't figure out the difference between the two? Neither could I, other than the fact that the American media loves to make villains out of Christians (especially crazy looking ones with weird mustaches) while praising Atheists. It's one more example of the media's hypocrisy.

Pretty Muslim Girl: she's not waiting for the afterlife.

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