Review Summary
“Vantage Point,” a gimmick in search of a point, is nothing if not, er, timely. Set in the picturesque Spanish city of Salamanca (otherwise known as Mexico City), this jigsaw puzzle exploits a repellent conceit — the shooting of an American president (William Hurt, effectively insincere) — in a vague attempt to explore questions of narrative and subjectivity (like “Rashomon”) through the box-office-friendly form of a thriller (like the "Bourne” flicks). “Vantage Point,” a gimmick in search of its own point, is nothing if not, er, timely. Set mostly in a Spanish city, it has been given a hard sheen by the director Pete Travis. “Vantage Point,” a gimmick in search of its own point, is nothing if not untimely. This is less a matter of topicality (this is, of course, a presidential election year) than a problem of timing. In “Rashomon,” Kurosawa gives you four versions of the same incident and does so brilliantly. Here we get so many versions and viewpoints that a preview audience started to complain audibly each time the clock was reset. “Vantage Point” — well, you get the point.Download Links:
MySt3Ry MaN
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